6th Year Art History Question

Please Answer the following question and return to me for Thurs 22nd.
Artefacts from the Iron Age demonstrate the remarkable development in style that took place during this period in Ireland.
Discuss this statement with reference to the two artefacts illustrated.( The loughnashade Trumpet) and the ( Turoe Stone)
In your answer refer to form. function, style, and to materials and techniques used in the production and decoration
Briefly describe and discuss the influence of the Tene style on later Irish art of the early Christian period.
illustrate your answer.

Tips on answering this question.

  • Introduction : to the Iron Age, a brief introduction about the people and the development of the Iron Age.
  • introduction to the development and use of the illustrated Artefacts,taking each artefact seperately discuss each one under the headings ,form(describe it,shape etc) function (its use) style (is it la Tene style) materials( stone/metal) techniques ( how was it made) decoration (how was it decorated,how was it put on )
  • Draw the artefacts and clearly label each drawing 
  • keep refering back to the statement in your answer
  • Introduction to La Tene and how was it used later 
  • Illustrate your answer with an example
  • good conclusion to your answer,again referring back to the opening statement in the ending of your answer


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