Walter Osborne 13/1 /21
Here is a power point presentation on Irish Artist Walter Osborne, please review this slide show and make a mind map on him,and answer the following question.Feel free to look at other presentations also.
Have a look at the short you tube clip above to get a feel and the works of Walter Osborne
Type this answer up and please email back to me for Friday Morning
Have a look at the short you tube clip above to get a feel and the works of Walter Osborne
The painting “Apple Gathering, QuimperlĂ©” by Walter Osborne (1859-1903) is
illustrated on the accompanying sheet.
Answer (a), (b), and (c).
(a) Describe and discuss the composition and style of the painting.
(b) What do you think this painting is about? Give reasons for your answer.
(c) Name and briefly describe one figurative painting by Walter Osborne
Illustrate your answer. (50)m
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