
Showing posts from April, 2020

5th Year: 30th April

Hi Class, Here is a link into this section we are looking at, this is a sample answer that is quite good,the illustrations were drawn seperately. ,

6th year:30th April

Hi Class, I hope your Art History question is going well. Here is a drawing demo about figure drawing, that will help in your life drawing

6th Year:29th April

Hi Class, For the next few days I would you to do the following Question from the 2017 Higher Paper Public sculpture plays an important role in commemorating people and/or events.  Discuss this statement with reference to a named public sculpture you have studied. In your answer refer to subject matter, composition, materials, techniques, location and the context of the work.   and  Briefly outline your visual concepts for a public sculpture to be placed in your locality to commemorate a person or an event.  Illustrate your answer. I will give until fri to get this answer completed.

5th Year: 29th April

Hi Class, I hope you are continuing  to write up your notes and illustrations into your Art History folders,make sure you label everything very clearly, also remember to make your mind map for your wall. I would like you all to click into the link below and try the quiz,if you click on the card it will give you the answer,this is a great means of revision .

2nd Year:29th April

Hi Class, I hope you are doing good,I am going to give you all until Fri to finish your drawings,Looking forward to seeing them..

3rd Years:28th April

Hi Class, Here is a continuation form yesterdays exercise.Today I would like you to concentrate on how to draw the mouth,please watch the clip a few times and then practise it. Happy Drawing.

5th Year: 28th April

Hi Class. Today I would like us to now focus on the Late Bronze Age: The Late Bronze Age saw a change in the Irish climate with wetter and colder conditions prevailing. Archaeologists believe this may have impacted heavily on the agricultural economy in Ireland with bogs expanding and the countryside becoming more heavily forested. The increased quantities of weaponry (swords, spears, rapiers, knives, dirks and halberds) in hoards may indicate a rise in warfare between communities. By the Late Bronze Age there is clear evidence for the existence of individual farmsteads with a dwelling house. In some instances there were small associated structures, such as open air hearths or rubbish pits. Sites were built in lakes or on lakeshores and therefore were protected by water; dryland sites had only limited protection, such as a shallow ditch or a palisade. Cremations were a popular burial practice in the later Bronze Age. The burnt bones were often placed within a food vessel. Occasion...

2nd Year:28th April

Hi Class.Today I would like you to do a drawing of one of the following: A breakfast scene (set up objects for a still life) A drawing from your bedroom window A drawing of a toy or gadget You can use colour or just pencil for this exercise. Happy Drawing

L.C.A :27th April

Hi Class.For today I would like you to research a place of interest in your local area,this is part of your local environment module. The place can be a historic building, a new playground, public art, shrine, etc.In your research find out as much as possible about it,if you can include pictures that would be great.

3rd Year:27th April

Hi Class,for today I would like you all to try the following exercise.Since you already drew the eyes I would like you to concentrate on the nose,take your time and watch the clip a few times and then give it a go, also get a mirror and practise drawing your own nose...Happy Drawing

1st Year:27th April

Hi Class.For today I would like you to do the following exercise. This is quite challenging so give it your best shot!Keep at it till you are happy with it....Happy drawing.

6th Year:27th April

Hi Class, for today I would like you to research a piece of public art/sculpture that you find interesting and use the following headings in your answer: Name and location of Art work Artist/sculpture who made this piece Background info about this Artist Materials, size, colour,texture,form, (illustration of it) Purpose of this sculpture Why you choose this piece of artwork What impact does a piece of sculpture bring to the general public

2nd Year:24th April

Hi Class. This is your work for today. All you need is a pencil,paper and black marker. Her you will learn about 3d and optical illusion drawing.These will impress the family at home...Happy drawing

5th Year :24th April

Hi Class, Here is your work for the weekend.. Drawing the mouth...Happy drawing

6th Year:24th April

Hi Class.This is a continuation on Public Art, here I would like us to look at The big Fish by John Kindness,ceramic tiles,with bronze .  Close up of the Big Fish This ten metre (32ft) Salmon made a big splash in Belfast in 1999. The work was commissioned to celebrate the regeneration of the River Lagan. The site is a significant landmark as it is the location of the confluence of the River Farset with the River Lagan (Belfast is named after the River Farset). The outer skin of the fish is a cladding of ceramic tiles decorated with texts and images relating to the history of Belfast. Material from Tudor times to present day newspaper headlines are included along with contributions from Belfast school children (including a soldier and an Ulster Fry). The Ulster Museum provided the primary source of historic images, while local schools and day centres located along the line of the River Farset were approached to provide drawings for the fish. Images were provided by Gl...

3rd Year: 23rd April

Here is some nice work from my Students.   Daiane Kristina de Oliveira Migle Plotnikovaite  Leah McHugh

1st Year 23rd April

Here are some lovely drawings from some of my students. Jamie Higgins- Horse Nicola McNamara Aimee Coyne

3rd Year 23rd April

Hi Class.Here is a lovely drawing exercise for ye to do.Happy drawing.

5th Year 23rd April

Hi Class, Just a little drawing exercise for ye to do..Happy drawing..

5th Year:22nd April

Hi Class,just to switch things up and keep up with our drawing skills as well as the art history, this is an exercise I would like you all to try out, hands on!!!!

1st Year: 22nd April

Hi Class, this is an exercise I would like you all to try do at home,its a simple exercise but can be quite tricky!! Make sure to look at it first and then copy it.Happy drawing

2nd Year: 22nd April

Hi Class ,I hope you all did well in yesterdays exercise,for today this is a little exercise I would like you all to try out. Its about shading correctly,looking at light, and pressure control as your drawing.Happy drawing

L.c.a :22nd April

Hi Class, Hope you are all keeping well and had a nice Easter. Here is what I would like you all to look at and give it a go. Dont worry if its not perfect,its the trying thats important. Happy drawing

2nd Year:21st April

Hi Class,Hope you are all keeping well and had a lovely Easter. So this term we would finishing your C.B.A ,which I hope you are continue to be doing. So here is your class exercise that I would like ye to do,this is a great clip on how to hold your pencil correctly, shading and tone. Give it a go. Happy Drawing.

5th Year:21st April -Middle Bronze Age

Hi Class, Hope you are all doing good,and had a lovely Easter. What I would like us to look at is the Middle Bronze Age . Use the link below for more info about this era  . TAKE NOTES,and draw the items into your notebooks. The period from 1200 BC onwards was a very productive and creative time for gold ornaments. Examples: Earrings, armlets,anklets, waist-bands, torcs and neck ornaments. Long gold bar torcs Period : Middle bronze age TORCS ● New form of ornament that replaced sheet gold work. ● There were three types: Ribbon, Bar and Flange Twisted Torcs. ● Made by twisting gold into a variety of decorative forms Form: Twisted flat gold bar with hook clasps to fasten the piece. Function: Worn as jewellery around the neck as a sign of status and wealth. Decoration: Decoration is attained through the uniform twisting of the flat gold bar. T...

1st Year.20th April

Hi Class,Hope you are keeping well and had a lovely Easter. So here is something I would like you all to do at home. Happy Drawing

3rd Years

Hi Class, Hope you all had a lovely Easter. So I just want to keep ye working at home and practising your drawing skills. I would like you to Sketch from one of the following below Happy Drawing

6th Year Art History 20th April

Hi Class,I hope you all had a lovely Easter, although a quite one. So I would like us to keep things going as much as we can, and keep on top of the Art History as much as we can. What I would like to look at this week is Public Sculpture. You may be very familiar of many public sculptures from the Spire in Dublin, to the many sculptures we see on roads and hill tops.Some public Sculptures have historic, political or religious meanings but the Spire in Dublin is one that has no significant meaning,its a public piece of Art for all to enjoy. So lets have a better look at some important public sculptures starting with the Spire or Monument of Light as some may call it. The Spire of Dublin Artist Name:Ian Ritchie Architects Artwork title:The Spire of Dublin The Spire (aka Tur Solais, or Monument of Light) was the winning entry in an international architectural competition launched by Dublin City Council in 1998 to provide a replacement for Nelson's Pillar, which was blown up...

For all of to try!!!

Hi All,here is a lovely video clip of Don Conroy,whom I loved to watch when I was growing up drawing a lovely clown.He even has just set up his own new youtube channel...Get your family involved and send them to me...Happy Drawing

2nd April-5th Year

Hi Class. I hope your drawings came out good for ye.What I would like us to do is look at Bronze Age.Starting with the Early Bronze Age. Sorry some of the text came out in different colour but should still be okay for you to read The Irish Bronze Age The Irish Bronze Age dates from approximately 2500 BC to 500 BC. Archaeologists divide the Bronze Age into three periods: Early, Middle and Late. These divisions are founded on the advancement of technological and cultural developments. The period is characterised mainly by the beginning of metal-working in Ireland. It is likely the population of Bronze Age Ireland was highly organised, with agriculture forming the mainstay of the economy. Archaeological discoveries from this period predominantly include burials and hoards of objects deposited for safe-keeping or as an offering. These artefacts offer an insight into the complex and ritualistic aspects of Bronze Age Ireland. Early Bronze Age The Bronze Age began in Ireland...

2nd April.-6th Year

Hi Class,I hope you enjoyed the virtual Gallery tour, I would like to keep on this subject as its quite loaded in terms of terminology and knowing your knowledge about the Gallery.I have included a really good piece on the visit to a gallery which is very informative and important,so read over and take some notes. Just tap into the link below

2nd April-3rd Year.

Hi Class, I hope you all did well in the previous exercise. What I would like ye to work on these next few days is your projects.I have a fab example of Louise Halpin work that she very nicely allowed me to use to just give ye a boot.There is lots of brainstorming,artist/designer influence,drawing with variety of materials, This project was working towards craft,and the poster design(which we had chosen aswell).Some of the work isnt fully finished but thats okay. So get to work on your ideas for today and over the weekend.

1st April-5th Year

Hi Class,Hope you went over that brilliant handout on Newgrange. I would like ye to a drawing of  one the following below,please email your drawing back.Happy Drawing Household object a piece of jewellery fruit/veg something from the garden shed you will have till Friday to complete this exercise.

1st April-L.C.A

Hi Class, Here is a little exercise for ye to do for your module "My Local Environment"Just give this a go!! Happy drawing

1st April- 1st Year

Hi Class.Just want to say well done with your work so far,ye are doing great!!So here is your new drawing task..Watch it first before you start....Happy drawing..

1st April-2nd Year

Hi Class, here is your new exercise for ye to do. Happy drawing..